A Valentine Day Workout!

There are a lot of people out there who don’t “believe” in Valentines Day, it’s all just a big money-maker, but who cares!?
I LOVE Valentines Day! What’s not to love about a day that’s all about “love”? You don’t have to believe in this day but believe in love!!
Because Chris and I have our anniversary on the 20th we don’t go all out on Valentine’s day, we save it for our anniversary but we do get each other a card & sometimes grab something yummy for dinner, I’m still not too sure if we’re going to do anything tonight but we’ll see!

I started my morning with a 4.30am workout and even though the temperature is a little cooler today here in Perth I still sweated it out  like crazy! Just look at that red face!

Valentines Day Workout

I decided to do Michelle Bridges Shape-Up DVD and it kicked my ass yet again!
I love it because it’s broken up into so many different little sections. It’s full of interval training which keeps me interested and engaged, not to mention sweaty!
For a while there I wasn’t really fully into my training but now that I’m easing myself back into it I’m realising why I love it so much. Even though I’m waking up at an ungodly hour I’m not tired through the day. I feel like I’m full of beans and ready to go! Yes 4.30am sounds damn early, I mean come on the sun isn’t even up yet! But the feeling I get from moving my body, even if my mind wants to go back to bed, is awesome!
I end up feeling charged up for the day and I notice I even put in the effort to make healthier choices food wise which is incredibly important! I also sleep better at night and wake up the next morning feeling great and ready to do it all again!

Why do you workout? Is it for the feeling, the high you get?

When I walked into my office this morning I noticed I had a little Valentine’s gift on my keyboard!!
I work with a WHOLE lot of tradesmen so pinning it down to one of them can be hard sometimes! But I know exactly who this little one was from 😉 Thanks Valentine! hehe

Valentines Cupcake

Now I just have to get through the day without eating it!

80 Questions
Question 36. Where are you from? Is your country’s diet healthy or unhealthy in general?
I’m born and raised here in Australia. Specifically Perth. I love where I’m from and although I want to travel and see the world I’ll always come back to Perth!
Is Australia healthy? Well I think that’s quite a debatable question. In terms of life expectancy I’d say we aren’t doing too bad, people seem to be living longer which is great! But in terms of a healthy diet? All we hear on the radio and on TV is that the obesiety rate is rising. I read somewhere that Australia is one of the most overweight countries! So does Australia have a healthy diet? I’m going to have to say probably not! Sorry Oz!

Question 37. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Do they know about you losing weight? Do they support you?
I have an amazing boyfriend, Chris, and he sure as hell knows that I’m trying to lose weight and gain a healthier lifestyle and longer life! Chris is a great supporter, he backs my decision 100% but on the other hand he unknowingly tests me alot!
He’s fortunate enough to be graced with a very fast metabolism so essentially he eats whatever the hell he wants and doesn’t gain a gram! This is bad news for me because he loves delicious “naughty” foods that I really shouldn’t be eating! So I get A LOT of tests thrown my way in the food category!

Until next time! Happy Valentine’s Day. Amydeville xoxo